Custom Earplugs For Swimming In Sydney

Swimming Ear Plugs Cronulla, ear plus for swimmers

Do you or your child suffer from ear infections or swimmers ear? Do they have grommets? Custom Fit offers the ultimate watersports earplug, bright colours that make a real statement, fantastic seal against water ingress and made from silicone that floats!

Custom Moulded Earplugs for Swimming, Watersports, Swimmers and Water Skiing

What are the best Ear Plugs for Swimmers? If you are like most who begin to protect your ears, you understand that generic, roll up and jam in earplugs do not work. Parents…please stop using Blu-Tac in your child’s ears. There’s a reason that you need earplugs, and that’s to keep out the water, and it’s no joke. Protecting your ears is not something you cross your fingers and toes and hope they work. You need custom made earplugs for the best fit.

Earplugs for Kids

swimming ear plugs, swimmers ear plugs

Children's Earplugs for Swimming

Most ear doctors (audiologists) understand the problem is caused by water, but they don’t know all the solutions out there to treat or prevent this issue. They are not prevention practicing doctors; they usually only treat after the issue. 

Custom Fit Earplugs can make you and your child a set of medical grade hypoallergenic earplugs, ‘on the spot’ which take around an hour to make and ready for immediate use. Using your ear as the ‘mould’ they create a water-tight fit which is comfortable and offers better protection than anything else on the market. Kids with grommets can safely wear them in the shower, bath, pool and ocean. We have many different colour combinations you and your child will love and look after.

With our locking system your plugs won’t fall out and can be used in water activities such as:



Our earplugs are NOT suitable for scuba diving

FAQ's About Earplugs For Swimming

Custom Fit Earplugs is located in the beautiful suburb of Gymea. Process usually takes 45 minutes to an hour. 

We recommend the Instamold Full Shell Plug for maximum protection and comfort. Using the individual’s ear as the mold to create a water-tight fit. Ideal for children with grommets. The best way to prevent ear infections and surfer’s ear!

By utilising our 2 point locking system, your custom plugs won’t fall out when your surfing, swimming, paddle boarding, kite surfing snorkelling or jet skiing. Because you need to twist them in they stay locked in place and keep your ears dry and protected. 

We recommend the Full Shell Instamold Plug which can come with a cord/leash to hang around your neck which is handy for surfers. Using our custom surf plugs is the best way to prevent ear infections and surfer’s ear. 

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